Weiss Advice

Don’t Quit Your Day Job Just Yet with Spencer Hilligoss

Yonah Weiss Episode 110

Spencer Hilligoss is an active syndicator, real estate investor, and executive leader. He leads business development, operations, and investor relations for Madison Investing.

Spencer is a technology leader with a 13-year track record of building high-performing teams across five companies - three of them, software "unicorns" - valued at more than $1B. He built and led the origination teams for LendingHome and led their Professional Development group.


[00:01 – 05:47] Opening Segment

  • Spencer speaks about things that he accomplished during this pandemic
  • He discusses how his real estate journey started

[05:48 – 16:54] Don't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet

  • Change your game plan accordingly – take charge of your own life! 
  • Spencer talks about his background
  • Before quitting your day job, listen to Spencer's advice on how you should work your way around this thought.

[16:55 – 22:38] Financial Literacy

  • Spencer shares that he wished he understood how to take charge of his own financial literacy earlier in his career
  • The biggest challenges Spencer is currently facing

[22:39 – 28:31] THE FINAL FOUR

  • What's the worst job that you ever had?
    • A part-time job during college. I worked for an author.
  • What's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?
  • What is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?
    • I would like to be able to record and produce my own music.
  • What does success mean to you?
    • Optionality and being able to give back to others
  • Connect with Spencer. Links below


Tweetable Quotes: 

"As an investor, just get some more income streams whether it's active [or] passive. Just diversify a little bit. Build a side hustle." – Spencer Hilligoss


Resources Mentioned:

You can connect with Spencer on LinkedIn and at https://www.madisoninvesting.com/


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