Weiss Advice

Overcoming Life’s Biggest Challenge with Josh Cantwell

Yonah Weiss

Josh Cantwell manages over $40M in private money, which is deployed into multifamily real estate and apartments. He has been involved in 1,000+ wholesale, rehab, rental, foreclosure, and apartment transactions, and currently holds a portfolio of over 3,000+ cash-flowing apartments. He is the founder and CEO of a variety of successful businesses including Freeland Ventures, Strategic Real Estate Coach, Accelerated Investor Office, and more.

[00:01 - 07:41] Life and Real Estate Motivation

  • Let’s get to know Josh Cantwell 
  • Josh’s Life-Threatening Challenge

[07:42 - 21:26] Overcoming Life’s Biggest Challenge 

  • A Miracle from Above
  • How to Play:  Be prepared and daring!
  • Grab that Opportunity
  • Why the Universe is Giving You that Experience
  • Make it Something, Something Positive
  • Josh’s Winning Habits
  • What is The One Too Many Concept?

[21:27 - 33:45] THE FINAL FOUR

  • What's the worst job that you ever had?
    • At a manufacturing company
  • What's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?
  • What is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?
    • Construction
  • What does success mean to you?
    • “Balance.”
  • Putting actions behind your words
  • Connect with Josh. Links available below

Resources Mentioned:

Tweetable Quotes:

“You learn the most, you expand the most, grow the most if you're listening to the lesson.” - Josh Cantwell 

“Be daring, go bigger” - Josh Cantwell 

Connect with Josh through jcantwell@srecnow.com, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Visit his website https://freelandventures.com/ and change the way you shape your life!

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